Could Mankind be salvaged from its economic folly? Best selling author Jonathan Bluestein presents: Prosperism - an original, never before seen socio-economic philosophy and theory. Without any specific political inclinations, leaning neither left nor right, Prosperism introduces a balanced approach, to make society more fair, just and benevolent. Prosperism is a way to re-think Capitalism, and make it work much better. Prosperism is simple to understand, and profound in its impact. With but a minor, small adjustment to the current successful Capitalist modality, all of mankind may be transformed and improved dramatically. Read this treatise and be inspired - the change we covet is within our grasp!
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What is PROSPERISM, in a nutshell?
Herein is a simple comparison with other modalities you are familiar with.
A utopia in which wealth is never a zero-sum-game, and people can accumulate it without limit and still not cause great injustice. In theory, there is equality of opportunity and fairness. In practice, the rich abuse the poor, and yet the poor worship the rich.
A utopia in which everyone can have nearly limitless freedoms, yet people still take care of each-other’s needs without causing great injustice. In theory, there ought to be social support. In practice, the rich are indifferent to the poor, and the poor have no protection.
A utopia in which equality can be given to all, and people would still be content with having and being the same as everyone else, and not bring about great injustice. In theory, there is perfect social harmony. In practice, the rich are despised and the poor man is king, while a corrupt group rules behind the scenes while nearly everyone suffer.
A utopia in which the government can always be benevolent enough to take care of everyone’s needs, and somehow not abuse its power and cause great injustice. In theory, everyone gets what they deserve. In practice, the rich are punished and the poor envy them, while the government steals from everyone.
A reasonable compromise between several other forms of socio-economic organization.
Wealth is limited, yet people can become rich.
People can become wealthy without enticing envy.
The interests of the rich align with those of the poor.
The government does less, but the people contribute more.
The people become more benevolent, because the success of one person benefits all others.
Equality of opportunity, without coercing equality of wealth.
Prosperism - How and Why?
An Origin Story
Since its publication in March of this year (2020CE), many people have sent me questions about my book, Prosperism. A lot of readers have wondered, how did I come about with these unusual ideas? This book has an interesting ‘origin story’, and I will now share it here with you, for the first time.
In December of 2019, I was walking down the streets of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. A few blocks from my house, I noticed a small book shop, which looked quirky and old-fashioned. As my wife and I are both avid readers, I decided to step inside, and perhaps bring home with me a few new treasures.
From the moment my foot went past the front door, something felt odd about that shop, and it did not take long to find out why. I was looking for some old adventure novels for my wife, but there were none to be found. That genre was absent altogether, and most of the books present seemed to have been from the past two decades – nothing from earlier generations. Giving up on that front, I began looking for the sports section, where one would sometimes find a few books on the martial arts. Alas, I could not locate where they have put those books either. The shelves however, were littered with countless texts on things like revolution, transgenderism, anarchism and the likes of these.
Curious as to the type of establishment I got myself into, I went and asked the young clerk, a man in his early 20s, where might have been those types of books which I was looking for. The young man, seemingly incredulous that I had even asked, answered with definite resolve: “Oh… You see, we are an Anarchist Bookstore. We do not carry such things here”. As if, the political persuasion of ‘Anarchy’ was somehow opposed to adventure or martial arts books. Amused, I thought the guy was a far cry from being a scholar on political theory, so I asked him: “Well, how would you define Anarchy?”. Without hesitation, the lad replied: “We believe in the need to abolish all rules and regulations in society”. I thanked the young man, went out empty handed, and continued my journey home.
As I was walking, I paid much thought to what that store clerk had said. Yes, he was a bit ridiculous. But are we so different?... I thought of our system of Capitalism, and realized something very profound. Capitalism too, as we exercise it today, is also ‘without limit’ – somewhat like the seller’s misconception of Anarchy. We may mock the young aspiring anarchist, but is our method truly superior?
Well, the man said he believed “in the abolishment of all rules and regulations”. That is, essentially, a political and economic system which is ‘without limits’, and hence we consider it improper. But our Capitalism too, you must recognize, is without limit in some respects. There is no limit placed on the amount of Capital a person may accumulate – either as money, cars, planes, gold or whatever. Theoretically, a Capitalist is entitled to own the whole universe, if he or she can manage it. Is that not just as farfetched and ridiculous, as the statements made by the man from the store? And is it not that sort of lack of a limit, which is the cause of many problems with the current form of Capitalism?
Now granted, this passing thought must have occurred to a lot of people before, in some capacity. What happens however, is that whenever a person begins to entertains such ideas, he or she quickly rebound. After all, we have been indoctrinated to believe that the only alternative to Capitalism which speaks of ‘limitation of capital’ is Socialism or Communism, and we were taught both were “murderous and evil”.
It was at this point, that I began to wonder whether there was a better way. Could Capitalism be improved, while retaining its core structure, and without a need to turn it into Socialism?
Thus, I came to write ‘Prosperism’. It is the socio-economic alternative – a balanced form of Capitalism, which uses limitations in order to induce and enable prosperity. It is historically unique, morally sound, and intellectually reasonable. I believe that you too, would find an interest in it.